
OpenSceneGraph-3.1.7 发布

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OpenSceneGraph-3.1.7, released on 27th May 2013,主要修改点为:

  • Introduced new osgViewer::ViewConfig and SingleWindow, SingleScreen, AllScreens, SphericalDisplay, PanormaicSphericalDisplay and WoWVxDisplay display configurations。

  • Serialization support for new ViewConfig implementations to allow .osgt, .osgb and .osgx files to store above view configurations, that can be loaded and passed in when configuring viewers.

  • 改进了VNC插件。

  • 修正了iOS和Android的BUG。

svn tag: svn co http://svn.openscenegraph.org/osg/OpenSceneGraph/tags/OpenSceneGraph-3.1.7 OpenSceneGraph